
Meet Dr. Q, the Youngest Black Man to Own a Dental Studio 


April 1, 2024

He is Redefining Cosmetic Dentistry Through Community Engagement!

In the field of cosmetic dentistry, Dr. Quodarrius “Dr. Q” Toney, stands out as a notable figure, not only for being one of the youngest dental studio owners,  but also for his unwavering commitment to community service. In an exclusive chat with Because of Them We Can, Dr. Q shared his passion for combining aesthetic excellence with a profound commitment to community service, aiming to redefine the landscape of cosmetic dentistry.

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“Recognizing the significance of community in shaping who I am, I’m dedicated to ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to see themselves in their best light aesthetically,” Dr. Q expressed. “By intertwining aesthetic excellence with community engagement, I strive to create a space where both beauty and community thrive harmoniously.”

The inspiration behind The Art of Aesthetics Community Initiative stems from Dr. Q’s upbringing in Memphis, a city rich in culture yet plagued by healthcare disparities. “Witnessing these inequities firsthand fueled my desire to make dental care accessible to all, particularly underserved communities like the Black and Latinx populations,” he explained. Through this initiative, Dr. Q aims to bridge the gap between aesthetics and community, ensuring that everyone has access to quality dental care regardless of their background.

Highlighting the transformative impact of his engagement on communities, Dr. Q recounted a poignant patient story. “One impactful example is a patient I treated who lacked access to healthcare,” he recounted. “After receiving treatment, including dental care and education on oral hygiene, these issues ceased, leading to a significant improvement in their overall health and well-being.”

Dr. Q’s journey to success epitomizes resilience and determination, qualities he encourages the next generation of minority dental professionals to embody. “Despite facing challenges, I persisted in pursuing my dreams,” he shared. “My advice to those aspiring to follow in my footsteps is to stay resilient, persevere through failures, and remain committed to your goals.”


Through his dedication to both aesthetic excellence and community service, Dr. Q is not only redefining cosmetic dentistry but also making a meaningful difference in the lives of those he serves. As he continues to uplift communities and advocate for equitable access to dental care, we commend his acts of compassion and commitment!

Cover photo: Meet Dr. Q, the Youngest Black Man to Own a Dental Studio / Courtesy of Dr. Q

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