
Sasha Obama Has Officially Graduated from The University of Southern California


May 13, 2023

Congratulations to our Forever First Sister!

We feel like it was just last year that we cheered Sasha Obama off to prom. Well we guess the pandemic really did a number on us because 2019 was apparently four years ago and now the littlest Obama has graduated!

According to TMZ, the whole family gathered today in Los Angeles for Sasha’s graduation and it was a momentous occasion. Last year, Sasha transferred from the University of Michigan to the University of Southern California (USC) where she pursued her degree in psychology. Forever President and First Lady, Barack and Michelle Obama were dressed in their finest as they arrived on campus beaming with pride. Oldest daughter Malia Obama also joined the family for the festivities. 



The girls have literally grown up before our eyes, from their first moments in the White House to now being full fledged adults and officially former “First Children.” Malia graduated in 2021 from Harvard, landing a deal as a screenwriter for Donald Glover’s Amazon series “Swarm.” While we admit it’s taken us some time to adjust to their new lives as young adults, we have grown fond of watching the Obamas celebrate both girl’s milestones as they wish them well on birthdays, holidays, and special occasions like today. 


“My baby has grown into a beautiful, independent, compassionate, highly capable young woman. But you will always be my littlest pea. I’m so proud of the human you are becoming,” Michelle Obama wrote of Sasha last year on her 21st birthday. 




As Sasha prepares to embark on the next leg of her journey, walking confidently across that graduation stage today adorned in leis, we know that the entire Obama family is beyond ecstatic at all she’s accomplished thus far, because we are simply overjoyed!

Congratulations Sasha!


Cover photo: Sasha Obama has officially graduated from the University of Southern California/Photo Courtesy of SplashNews.com/TMZ

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