
Baltimore Youth Gain Praise From Community for Shoveling Snow After Recent Storm


January 26, 2024

These young entrepreneurs are making a difference in Baltimore!

Just when the idea of kids eagerly shoveling snow for pocket change seems rare, meet Caleb Israel, 12, and his brother, Yahshua Israel, 10, who are reviving this tradition in Baltimore County, Maryland. As reported by The Baltimore Times, these young men have set out on a community venture to shovel snow for neighbors during wintry days.

Caleb shared, “A few days ago, my brother earned about $20 for shoveling a neighbor’s steps while out of school, and it motivated me to do the same around the neighborhood. I do want to save money and buy some things.” Their parents, Marcus Israel and Crystal J. Israel, guided them in this entrepreneurial journey. The boys’ proactive approach garnered attention from LaQuisha Hall, a coach for Baltimore City Schools and the Baltimore City 2018 Teacher of the Year. The Halls, impressed by the boys’ dedication, not only had them shovel snow but also created an on-the-spot video to support their future promotions.

The heartwarming story is making waves on social media, with the hashtag #SnowSquad gaining momentum. LaQuisha Hall, who considers Caleb and Yahshua her “adopted nephews,” created the hashtag to share the positive experience, resulting in over 3,000 people getting invested in the story.

Looking ahead, Yahshua expressed his aspirations, saying, “I would like to start a business because I’d like to make money and be known for doing something that has a positive impact.” The duo’s determination led them to shovel six homes around the neighborhood, and they now aim to officially start a business, keeping opportunities open for various odd jobs.

The #SnowSquad serves as a reminder to applaud and engage with young minds. LaQuisha Hall encourages a shift in perspective, urging communities to extend a helping hand and be a guiding light for the younger generation. Caleb and Yahshua’s determination not only warms hearts but also inspires a community to embrace and nurture the entrepreneurial spirit in its youth.


Cover Photo: The Snow Squad, brothers Caleb and Yahshua Israel / Credit: LaQuisha Hall

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